Private Coaching Program (6 months)

  • Personal 1:1 coaching designed to achieve maximum transformational results. You’ll receive coaching, mentoring, and motivation to re-build a strong core foundation within yourself. We’ll re-align your thoughts and actions so that you have clear direction and a more powerful presence. You’ll gain more energy, have less stress, and begin living a life that lights you up! If you’ve decided that it’s time to focus on you—then commit to getting the best coaching and mentoring available and start your transformational journey now.

  • Because I provide a high-level of 1:1 support, I only accept a very limited number of private coaching clients.

  • Six month transformational program includes 16, private, 1-hour coaching sessions

  • Includes unlimited email access

  • Includes DISC Personal Assessment*

  • Includes Motivators Personal Assessment**

    Private Coaching Payment Options

    • Six month coaching program, $4200 (may split into 2 payments payable at Weeks 1 & 6)

    • $400 Discount: Make one payment of $3800

Group Coaching & Training (Eight Week Online Course)

  • Designed with the same high quality transformational results as private coaching, this 8-week series will help you re-focus, re-charge and re-energize!

  • Includes 8 online webinar sessions

  • Includes 3 private coaching sessions

  • Includes Weekly Group Q&A

  • Includes DISC Personal Assessment*

  • Includes Motivators Personal Assessment

    Group Coaching & Training Payment Options

    • 8-week course fee: $3200 (may split into 2 payments payable at weeks 1 and 3)

    • $400 Discount: One payment of $2800.

I have been a business owner for the past 15 years and have always done “fine”.  Over the last couple of years however, I have come to the realization that I wanted more than just “fine”.  With my commitment to becoming more than just fine, I began to do some self help by listening to tapes, cd’s, Youtube videos and even invested in a couple of packaged programs that guaranteed success.  All of these were valuable but my level of success remained about the same.  I toyed with the idea of hiring a coach for most of this time but never found the right person.  When I met Kathy, I knew instantly she was someone I wanted to work with. I have been grateful for that decision ever since.
— Dr. Jody Jedlicka

*DISC is a simple, practical, easy to remember and universally applicable way to understand yourself, family members, co-workers and friends in a profound way. You’ll learn how to understand who you are and how others see you, and you’ll learn tips to “read” other people in order to have more effective communication, commitment, and cooperation.

**Motivators is an assessment tool to help you more quickly recognize situations that will make you more successful. You’ll gain a better understanding of what drives you and it’ll be easier for you to find ways of achieving goals and objectives that are in true alignment with who you are.