5 Keys Mid-Lifers Who’ve Walked Through Fire Are Using to Re-Define Their Purpose, Discover Their Next Chapter, and Connect to Their Higher Self

“My goal is to help people remember how to run with scissors, play with fire, and color outside the lines. Life is more fun when you can be your authentic and magnificent self.”

(The webinar has been recorded so you can watch it right away.)

In This Free Masterclass Webinar, I’m Going to Cover…

How mid-life men and women are finding answers to the questions, “Who am I” and “What’s my next chapter”

Why finding “purpose” is only part of the solution—and what my clients are focusing on instead….

The secret strategy mid-lifers are using to transform their energy, discover new direction, and answer their calling…

How clients are claiming new confidence and a new image after being burned, melted, molded, and re-shaped from walking through fires caused by stress and overwhelm; betrayal and bullying or being lied to or lied about by a former friend, partner, colleague, boss, or family member; anxiety from job loss; caring for a loved one who passed; or experiencing a life-threatening illness or disease…

And how to do all this without having to read more self-help books, create more goals and to-do lists, search for new inspiration, make public declarations, get more organized, or make changes that never seem to stick…

About Kathleen Davenport

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Kathleen (Kathy) Davenport is a retired Air Force officer and Certified Coach who specializes in working with mid-life and mid-career change-seekers. She has 25 years experience in creating positive transformational changes for individuals and organizations. For her work in helping others succeed, Kathleen has been nationally recognized as one of the 100 Most Influential Filipina Women in the U.S. and one of Hawaii’s Top 25 Businesswomen of the Year.