30 Day Intensive - Live a Life That Lights You Up

Learn the connection between your past, your present, and your future paths and take empowered action for the rest of your life. This is the time to build the vibrational foundation for your future self. It starts with having a clear understanding of who you are and how you’re wired, how to develop and stand in your power, and how to get and stay in alignment on the road ahead. You have a powerful presence and light-filled work ahead that you’re meant to share. Let’s get started!

  Module 1 - Who Are You? (Week 1 Baseline Info)

Schedule Coaching Call #1.

Click here to open and download the Baseline Overview document.

Click here to open and download the 20 Things Worksheet.

Click here to open and download the Biggest Accomplishments/Most Joy worksheet.

Request DISC & Motivators Assessments. (Once your request has been received and processed, you’ll receive a link to take a DISC Assessment and a Motivators Assessment. These personality/behavioral assessments are designed to give you a clearer idea of who you are and why you do what you do. (Don’t worry, it’s all good! There’s no right or wrong here.) These assessments will help you de-code your personal communication style, and you’ll also learn how to more effectively communicate and improve interactions with others. It should only take about 15-20 minutes to complete each assessment. After you finish the assessments, you’ll receive an email with the results of your assessments. Since these contain a LOT of information, we’ll set up our next coaching call to review and help you digest all the great info.)

Module 2 - How You’re Wired and Why You’re Here (Week 2)

Schedule Coaching Call #2 (Make sure you’ve completed the DISC & Motivators assessments for this module. This will be a 90 minute call to review your DISC assessment.)

Schedule Coaching Call #3. This will be a 60 minute call to review your Motivators Assessment.

Life Purpose Statement (Click here to open a guide to drafting your Life Purpose Statement. Be sure to review your responses to the worksheets from Module 1.)

Module 3 - Stand In Your Power (Week 3)

Schedule Coaching Call #4 - Success Principles

This week’s call is about developing your core strengths, making fundamental mindset shifts, and creating new thought pathways and processes to elevate you on your life path. Go to this link when we have our call so you can follow along and we’ll discuss.

Module 4 - Stay In Alignment (Week 4)

Schedule Coaching Call #5

We’ll work on “Deciding What You Want” (and don’t want) and then “Taking Action & Creating Momentum.” We’ll get you laser-focused on what matters most at this stage of your development and set aside what can come later—or not at all. This is where all the discovery work from previous sessions comes together to form the personal blueprint of who you are so that you can live a life that lights you up and be the light for others to follow.

30-Day Follow-Up

Schedule Coaching Call #6

This call is held 30 days after you complete the initial 30-Day program. It’s a chance to follow-up, get additional clarity, or re-focus. We’ll talk about what’s changed for you and lay out a plan for future success steps. It’s your time to shine!