Calming the Chaotic Business Syndrome

According to a recent survey, time management was the number one concern of business owners and entrepreneurs. How do you get it all done? How do you decide what to do first? Do you feel you could be doing more, but don't know how to fit it into your already crazy/busy schedule? Is disorganization and chaos causing you to miss out on important opportunities? How can you be more successful when you've run out of hours in the day and you've still got a dozen things on your to-do list?

Calming the Chaotic Business Syndrome is the topic of my new MasterClass series designed to help business professionals develop a personal blueprint for smoother success sales, marketing, and time management.  For more details, go here:  How to Calm the Chaotic Business Syndrome Webinar Series.

In addition to this series, I'll also be giving a 30-minute teleclass courtesy of the Direct Selling Women's Alliance on Tuesday, Sep 16th.  The teleclass is free and open to the public.  Details for the teleclass are here:  DSWA Teleclass, Calm the Chaos.

I hope you'll be able to join me either on the teleclass or as part of the ongoing 8-week webinar series!

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