Going Fearlessly Forward
I’ve been up and down these 100 steps at Tripler Army Medical Center more times than I can remember. (They go from the upper parking lot to the mountainside entrance.) The 100 steps gives you plenty of time to consider the life-changing discussions you’re going to have with your doctor...
A couple of weeks ago I had my annual cancer checkup. (I was diagnosed with cancer in April 2015 and had major surgery.) As I went down the stairs I told myself, “If it’s good news and I’ve hit that magical 5-year point with no sign of cancer, then I’m going to live life fearlessly going forward.” (Small backstory--the cancer diagnosis came almost exactly a year after my husband passed from leukemia. So I didn't even have time to think about the anniversary of his loss.)
Well, it was great news so it looks like I’m going fearlessly forward!!! Time to stop playing small.
Anyone else making any shifts as a result of a wake-up call?
(The rainbow pic was taken the morning of my surgery. When I saw it, I knew I was going to be just fine.)