What's holding you back?
A couple of weeks ago I was stuck on a project and couldn't seem to get it finished. Then my coach (yes, even coaches have coaches) asked, "So what's holding you back?" That made me stop and think and I realized that the problem really wasn't as complex as I thought it was. I had been stuck on finishing a webinar (creating it, not watching one), but I knew my real problem was the next step to get it marketed--I didn't know how to put together a Facebook ad. My coach said, "Kathy, those are EASY to do. Don't let that hold you back. I'll even help you put an ad together."
So I had been stopping myself from finishing the webinar because I was afraid of the next step. When I realized the next step was actually easy to do, I quickly finished the webinar.
Oftentimes we just need to step back and take a hard look at what's really keeping us from accomplishing our goals. You'll probably find the problem is not as big as you imagine.